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Did you know that only in 14 out of 195 countries women have equal rights.

The 14 countries with same legal rights for women and men are Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden.

At the current pace, it will take generations to bridge the global gender gap, warns the World Bank. This means that countless young women entering the workforce today may have to wait until their retirement – or even longer – to finally achieve equal rights.

Shocking statistics reveal that nearly 2.4 billion working-age women worldwide reside in economies that still deny them the same rights as men. Adding to the concern, 2022 marks a disheartening milestone as it witnesses the fewest gender-related reforms adopted in over two decades.

What's even more alarming is that, in certain economies, we are witnessing a distressing regression. The report unveils a troubling trend where previously granted rights are being rolled back. Some economies have, in fact, made legal changes to strip women of existing rights, which include basic freedoms like the ability to move freely and secure employment. In some cases, they have imposed additional burdens, such as enforcing obedience to husbands. The fight for gender equality is far from over.


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